Seattle Public Schools

High School Painting

Naramore Art Show – High School Painting

Ballard High School

Elsa Frank, 12th Grade, "In the Sun's Light"
Elsa Frank, 12th Grade, “In the Sun’s Light”

艺术家陈述:这件作品描绘的是被太阳拥抱的感觉. 我用分头赞美来反映温暖的感觉,把这件作品带到了生活中.

Zoe Papadakis, 12th Grade, "Mind over Body"
Zoe Papadakis, 12th Grade, “Mind over Body”

艺术家声明:这件作品代表了这种转变, 表演时思想和身体之间的联系和挑战. The emotion of the actor is extremely vulnerable, 然而,观众永远无法说出他们所看到的背后表演者的真实感受. The composed face shows what the audience sees, while the blue face portrays the almost, 但并没有完全隐藏在演员心中的情感. 

Olivia Shaer, 12th Grade, “One Hand, Three Times”

The Center School

Quinn Crain, 11th Grade, "The Crane"
Quinn Crain, 11th Grade, “The Crane”

艺术家声明:这是一个实验作品,让我更多地了解水彩. 从那时起,只要有机会,我就爱上了使用水彩画. 鹤是一种美丽的生物,我相信水彩画非常适合这种雄伟的鸟. Find more of my art on Instagram @crane_.rain 

马克斯·迈耶(Max Mayer), 12年级,“P. Brueghel the Elder"
马克斯·迈耶(Max Mayer), 12年级,“P. Brueghel the Elder”

艺术家声明:《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》画于1568年. Brueghel the Elder. The 6 disabled figures are affected by ergotism, 麦角病一种毁灭性的疾病,由于食用了受污染的食物中的麦角菌感染小麦而引起, barley or rye crops (De-Wei Le 2016)

Lilah Stolder, 12th Grade, "Clouds"
Lilah Stolder, 12th Grade, “Clouds”
Ki Allen, 10th Grade, "Paleozoic Spybeams"
Ki Allen, 10th Grade, “Paleozoic Spybeams”
Charlotte Chiocco-McCrary, 12年级,《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》
Charlotte Chiocco-McCrary, 12年级,《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》
Ari Bailey, 10th Grade, "Despite Everything, It's Still You"

艺术家声明:水彩画是我一直自学的爱好. 我对向日葵的热爱加上一只迷人的鸟,展示了我的艺术风格. 我在这篇文章上很努力,对结果很满意.

Chief Sealth High School

Samara Jayne, 10th Grade, "The Tumble of Time"
Samara Jayne, 10th Grade, “The Tumble of Time”

Cleveland High School

Veronica Cardona, 10th Grade, "Howl's Moving Castle Abstract"
Solomon Hougland-Ramirez,十年级,“Capriol套件摘要”
Solomon Hougland-Ramirez,十年级,“Capriol套件摘要”

艺术家陈述:在看了当代肖像艺术家Amy Sherald和Kehinde Wiley的作品后, 学生们思考了“谁(或什么)代表美国”这个问题?这些画作的风格灵感来自街头艺术家Shepard Fairey.


艺术家陈述:学生们从传统的墨西哥棋盘游戏lotería中寻找灵感,然后画出一张卡片,上面有一个代表他们感激的人的物体. Like the lotería game, 对象的文字显示在图像下方(由艺术家选择的语言).

Liora Greenwich, 12th Grade, "Untitled"
Liora Greenwich, 12th Grade, “Untitled”

Garfield High School

Mina Huynh,十年级,“可口可乐和筷子”
Mina Huynh,十年级,“可口可乐和筷子”
Simon Hove, 10th Grade, "Twin Sisters"
Simon Hove, 10th Grade, “Twin Sisters”
Ezra Jones, 12th Grade, "Of Apes in Alley"
Ezra Jones, 12th Grade, “Of Apes in Alley”
Imara Wangia, 12th Grade, "Yield"
Imara Wangia, 12th Grade, “Yield”
Isabella Summers, 12th Grade, "Constellations"
Isabella Summers, 12th Grade, “Constellations”
Anya cebalos - baliga, 12年级,“塑料音乐”
Anya cebalos - baliga, 12年级,“塑料音乐”
Emile Robinson, 12th Grade, "Fishnado"
Emile Robinson, 12th Grade, “Fishnado”

Interagency School

Cortez Cooper, 11th Grade, "Untitled"
Cortez Cooper, 11th Grade, “Untitled”

艺术家声明:这件作品的灵感来自龙. 通过这篇文章,我学会了信任这个过程. At first, 我以为结果会很糟糕,但后来我相信了这个过程,结果很好.
It’s a five-star piece. Who wouldn’t like it?

Isaiah Jenkins, 9th Grade, "Come Down"
Isaiah Jenkins, 9th Grade, “Come Down”
jordan Cochran, 12年级,“我最大的过错”
jordan Cochran, 12年级,“我最大的过错”

Lincoln High School

Zoe Greenberg, 10th Grade, "Natural Sacrifice"
Zoe Greenberg, 10th Grade, “Natural Sacrifice”

艺术家声明:这件作品是用丙烯颜料在帆布板上创作的. 这篇文章探讨了人类发展对自然土地的影响,以及我们如何从地球上获取资源.

Kanna Yanagishima, 11年级,“一见钟情”
Kanna Yanagishima, 11年级,“一见钟情”
Juliet Beckton, 11th Grade, "Portrait"
Juliet Beckton, 11th Grade, “Portrait”
Vishad Lamba, 10th Grade, "Soar"
Vishad Lamba, 10th Grade, “Soar”
Lance Coffey, 11th Grade, "The Water Cube Trap"
Lance Coffey, 11th Grade, “The Water Cube Trap”

Roosevelt High School

Adeline Stambaugh, 9th Grade, "Untitled"
Adeline Stambaugh, 9th Grade, “Untitled”

West Seattle High School

Torin Lenssen, 10th Grade, "Another World"
Torin Lenssen, 10th Grade, “Another World”

艺术家声明:我选择做这件艺术作品的灵感来自费尔南德·莱热,因为他的艺术让我着迷,我想让我自己像他一样.  我真的很喜欢做这件作品,我为此感到自豪.

Finley Cicero, 12th Grade, "Sara"
Finley Cicero, 12th Grade, “Sara”

艺术家声明:“萨拉”,我的这幅画是为了纪念我母亲多彩的外表.  它捕捉了她对生活充满活力的看法,以鲜艳的色彩为象征.  Through this piece, I honor her unique perspective, urging other to embrace resilience and positivity.  

Alexavier Pierce, 11th Grade, "Self Portrait"
Alexavier Pierce, 11th Grade, “Self Portrait”

艺术家声明:我的整个家族都从事某种形式的艺术,所以这是家族遗传的.  即便如此,有时还是很难向我解释清楚.  我能说的是,所有伟大的事情都需要时间,我的艺术也不例外.  

Cloeme Parker, 11th Grade, "Oregon Coast"
Cloeme Parker, 11th Grade, “Oregon Coast”

艺术家声明:这件作品是基于我参观过的俄勒冈州海岸的一个地方.  远处巨大的岩石和浩瀚的海水让我感到无比震撼.  So, 我想捕捉引人注目的场景,同时添加我自己的颜色和运动来放大它的影响.  

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